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Paula Dieta Flex
Art Direction | Branding Design


Paula Dieta Flex is a primarily online business with the mission of offering healthy, flexible diets and lifestyles. Paula is the charismatic owner of the small business and connects directly with her followers through social media and online courses. I teamed up with Paula to establish a brand identity and logo that represented the core values, mission and personality that they wanted to convey within a competitive marketplace.

The primary audience for Paula Dieta Flex is Brazilian so having an understanding of the cultural nuances, preferences, and values of the country I was designing for was paramount to ensure we were effectively connecting with this audience.

The primary logomark of a unicorn was used to convey empowerment but also a sense of limitless possibilities. This was juxtaposed with colorful and expressive imagery to establish a brand that elicited self-empowerment but also excitement and fun with one's health journey.
